Welcome... Bitches

Blogging. I heard people talking about it and said "what the fuck is blogging?" I was told it is putting your daily thoughts or your version of news down on a web page. I realized I have been blogging since 97 when we created the Morning Disaster web page. Only we didnt call it blogging we called it Notes from Ray. Now everyone acts like they have invented the concept. I mean c'mon people have been blogging forever. Newspaper columnist even get paid to do it. I on the other hand never recieved a dime from my version of blogging. When I did morning disaster dot com every time I thought of selling advertising on it someone would make a comment about how that was not welcome by the company. They thought any money coming to my web page would be money that wouldnt be going to the radio station. I played ball and was cool about the whole thing. Then of course I owned a web site that was getting more hits daily then any web page that the company owned. But they fixed that.... they hijacked my web page.
Hey good for them. It was brilliant. Anyone who has gone to that site has seen that it hasnt been updated in forever. The reason why is we cant get it into. We being me, anyone else on the show or even razor or Rob the guys who designed the site. The site was always in my name and then the station had an agreement to let other companies host it. One time is was FGI net then it was cityscape then they made a deal with the digital group. With that deal most of the stuff is actually kept at midwest family building in Riverton. I mean they have a shitload of computer equipment and server space and take care of all e-mail and web space and other stuff. I really think maybe the eventual plan is to get in the web business. Why not. they got into the concert business and they are making a killing at it. I am sure they would find a way to make money on the internet too. Okay so sometime after they started hosting the site on site the registration ran out on my owning the demain and they stole it. Great move on their part. When we tried to get the info to get into the site the engineer didnt give it. that made us look like lazy asses that didnt update the site and with internet types it is better to have no site at all then to not update an existing one.
There is a website available done by a fan of the show named Banshee. You can check it out at themorningdisaster.com
However after Banshee started showing up taking pictures he was thrown out of the building so now it isnt really getting updated either. Oh well you cant fight the man. Or can you...welcome to my blog.


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