
Showing posts from June 26, 2005

Proof of my wife's existance

Maybe the most asked question I get when I am out is "where is your wife?" Everyone thinks that she never goes out with me. I tell them that she does go out with me sometime but just not on that particular night. Here is proof that she has actually gone out in public with me. This was taken at an actual bar in town and a band was playing that wasnt mine. And were even having a moment of PDA. How about that? Told you. Now I wont have to worry about any gay rumors coming out about me and the lead singer of matchbox 20 being caught in bed. You know my wife does have that katie Holmes hair though...


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Good News everyone.. POVERTY IS OVER

According to one of the many nameless MTV personalities (formerly known as VJs) the war on Poverty was won today thanks to the Black eyed Peas and Beyonce's booty. Thank God!! I just want to be the first to thank great soldiers like Coldplay and young hipsters Def Leppard for fighting the war for all of us on MTV in between acne and tampon commercials. For details on what really matters go to

Welcome... Bitches

Blogging. I heard people talking about it and said "what the fuck is blogging?" I was told it is putting your daily thoughts or your version of news down on a web page. I realized I have been blogging since 97 when we created the Morning Disaster web page. Only we didnt call it blogging we called it Notes from Ray. Now everyone acts like they have invented the concept. I mean c'mon people have been blogging forever. Newspaper columnist even get paid to do it. I on the other hand never recieved a dime from my version of blogging. When I did morning disaster dot com every time I thought of selling advertising on it someone would make a comment about how that was not welcome by the company. They thought any money coming to my web page would be money that wouldnt be going to the radio station. I played ball and was cool about the whole thing. Then of course I owned a web site that was getting more hits daily then any web page that the company owned. But they fixed that.... th...