Wow what a show! I have never seen that many people in the radio station. This morning was incredible. thanks to everyone who tuned in today and thanks to all the former show members and friends who stopped by the studio for the show. I will give a comprehensive report on what happened later but Spanky was right I could hardly speak the last 10 minutes because i was so emotional. Yes it finally sunk in. I will miss doing the show.
I have to nap so my voice and body will be ready for tonight but i will update later today and tomorrow plus big d took buttload of pictures. i will put some up on this site over the next few days.


Anonymous said…
Good Luck Ray!
It was great to listen to over the past few years! Your show will be missed! Springfield radio will never be the same!
Enjoy your time off!
Anonymous said…
Today is a strange day. A true turning point in the lives of all of your listeners. Many of our lives run on a schedule. Get up, fix coffee, iron, take shower (important part of my day anyway), get kids up, leave for work, tune in to 92.7. August 15th is going to seem like stepping into the Twilight Zone but I guess we must move on. Best of luck Ray. You've made me laugh for many years and treated me very kind : )
Anonymous said…
Your shows always made my mornings go by a little faster Ray, and I know they aren't going to be the same with out you. My radio-alarm goes of at 6am. Just in time for me to become concious enough to listen to your show. Some times I had to run between my house and car to turn the radio on in the car, then the car and work to turn the radio on at work to listen to whatever hilarious bit you were doing.
When you were getting all choked up the last few minutes of the broadcast you got me a little choked up too. I realized that the best, and only morning show worth listening to around here, is gone.
I always enjoyed listening to you whether you made me laugh out loud, or pissed me off, it was always entertaining.
I hope you make it in what ever you're wanting to do in the future.
Anonymous said…
Hey Ray,
It was a pleasure to be a part of your personal history and to have been a part of the Morning Disaster. Thanks for letting me share those last moments of the show with you. I know you will be a success whatever you endeavour. Ring me up if I can help.
Best to you, deidre and Bella.
nate said…
Ray, I'm sure I can't say anything that you've not heard before but seriously you will be missed in central illinois. It probably sounds a little on the twisted side, but you've become a part of our lives. I started listening to your show in high school and have been listening all the way up to this day.

I'd almost bet money that I'm not the only person in central illinois that can say that I didn't tune in your show when the workday started out shitty and I just need a laugh. I'd say you're single handedly responsible for saving my bosses life on several occassions.

Anyway big guy, I wish I could say something clever like "I hate to see you leave, but love watching you go..." but let's face it that's just gross.

Good luck in the future, and if your radio career falls through at least you have your BLOG!! (By the way, thanks for the pictures of Jessica Alba. What the hell is she doing in those pictures, "digging for gold?")

Phat Daddy
Anonymous said…
I only got to catch parts of the show friday :-( I can't get qlz in at my work in Morton so I was elated when I had to go out on a call and could catch a little bit more of the show while driving. You've been part of my morning since the beginning Ray. You will be greatly missed! I'm glad you've put up this site it will be checked more than my endless email accounts. Thanks for all the memories and laughs.

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