Time to move on

So it has now been almost 6 weeks since my last show. I have really enjoyed my time off. I mean REALLY enjoyed it. I have laid around and rested. I also got the chance to realize just how exhausted I was. I am now however starting to feel a little bored. I thought I wouldnt get bored until at least Halloween.

Recently though I have had lots of time to think. I mean I am really thinking about things like my future, my families future, my love for broadcasting and much more personal stuff. It really has been a great chance to come to some conclusions. One of those conclusions is that "I am not sure I want to do Music Radio anymore".

What I mean is in my talks with program directors who are running rock radio stations I have been extremely dissapointed. Some of these guys are 100% against everything that I stand for. My industry ( the rock radio industry) has become a joke. Rock radio stations want people who are going to do their fake shows and use internet written lists, pre produced comedy service bits that are written and produced by a service, fake street stuff, and of course play 8+ songs an hour.

Now there are a couple hundred people that go to this site a day and you guys more than likely were listeners of the morning disaster. You know the type of show that I did was 100% NOT THAT.

I always believed in writing your own material thats why I wrote and I insisted that everyone on the show write. There were guys on the show who brought in internet lists everyday and I would just pretend we didnt have enough time to do their bit or find any reason to not air their stuff. I know there are some people in radio that have no shame. I am not one of those people. I always feared somebody would have read the bit on the internet and thought we were frauds. We always did our own production for bits on the show too. I personally would do the Hump Ranger the last few years. Prior to that Rocky, Hobie, Brando, Rich, Norm and Noid produced hundreds of bits that we wrote. There were some people on the show who would write stuff and the guys would produce it. Once again there were some guys who would steal scripts from the internet that we wouldnt do. Guys like Me and Jon lamb and Rich and brando and many others throughout the years would have a blast writing for the show. Also I was never a huge fan of playing music. I mean a song or two here and there so I could take a piss was one thing but Music as the key element of the show. NO fucking way. One guy wanted me to host a show called the more music morning show. I thought " you got to be fucking kidding me"
there is no way I am doing it.

The scary thing is Most Rock stations are going in this direction. It is sad. They want fake shows or syndicated crap. I am convinced that I 100% dont want to be involved with bullshit stations that have that attitude. These are the same radio stations that will continue to lose listeners to ipods, and satellite radio.

This made me think "what is is I really want out of my career?" "what am I most happiest doing on the radio?" The answer is TALKING. I love to talk, crack jokes, comment on the news, make people laugh and think, in other words I like to do a style of radio that not many people can do. I have decided that I want to do a talk radio show. I have always had to goal to eventually try talk radio. I have ideas to do a talk show that would blow the minds of some stuffy ass talk radio listeners. I would do a show that would make you guys even check out the AM dial.
There I said it, "I want to do talk radio!!" Many years ago people asked the question what can you give the listeners that another radio station cant give? The problem is nobody who runs a radio company is saying "what can I give my listeners that they cant get from an ipod or satellite or another station?" That answer is GUYS LIKE ME! What makes me different? I am the only one that lives my life, and thinks like me. I am the only one who would talk about anything, I mean anything. Rock radio now doesnt want that in a host. Talk Radio on the other hand is craving it.

Now heres the problem.... when it comes to rock radio people are willing to give me a chance in many cool places. however in talk radio considering my experience is 1 week of a fill in stint on WMAY it is a little harder to get them to see my abilities. (Although you could argue I have been doing a talk show for years on a rock station) Therefore I am fighting an uphill battle to get a show going. I need to get experience somehow. Even if it means doing nights somewhere. I dont care I want to do TALK. I am also trying to find some non traditional ways to get experience.

Now this is going to lead to a cool thing with this website. I am going to start a talk radio show like podcast. Watch for details on chubbyray.com

I also am going to start posting audioblogs on this page.
there is a test audio blog just below this post. Check it out. It is a short little test message now but starting tomorrow it will be a few minutes long and be a pretty cool thing.


Anonymous said…
Ray, your comments ring true in the 'new' era of rock radio. Podcast popularity is on the way up. I am a former Morning Disaster listener that primarily listens to podcasts rather than local music and talk radio. Podcasts provide much more freedom to the artist/creator and listeners are the benefactors. Good Luck Ray!
Anonymous said…
This podcast idea is really cool. I hope you can pull it off. Sure would make a lot of us happy.
listener ron
Anonymous said…
i know this is an odd question but have you spoken with wmay about doin a show there?
Anonymous said…
Good for you! Too bad not everyone will stand up against the homogenized dreck that has become most broadcast radio. Just do me and your country a favor. Don't become one of the those Government ass-kissing pussy-clowns that challanges anyone who stands up against bullshit as "hating America". There's quite enough of that drivel on the airwaves. Just keep it on the level. The REAL America needs a voice on the air. It could be you. Most of America is stuck in the middle and has no voice because some Programmer or Consultant thinks the truth isn't marketable.

Hard working, hard-playing, bullshit-hating Americans need a voice. Enough with the left wing/ right wing, liberal/ conservative, red state/ blue state nanny nanny boo-boo "you don't agree with me, well, you hate America" stupidity. This nation is completely divided like a sports arena. There's a war going on. There's incompetence in high places. There's assholes giving intellegent people a bad name. This is a country for the PEOPLE and the media is just NOT reflecting that. Just a thought.
Ray Lytle said…
rocky, you hit it right on the head. There are way to many assholes in talk radio that just pick a political party whether it be democrat or republican and spend their whole show defending their side and bashing the other. lets face it, both sides need bashing. They are all assholes who have forgotten about and no longer care about the trust we put in them as elected officials and only care about keeping their party in power. It sickens me how the Rush Limbaughs of this world cant find any fault with conservatives when some of these evangelical assholes are running around speaking for the republicans. How can Al Franken not find fault with some of these liberals who are radically dangerous in their defense of americas enemies. Both sides are insane! That is why doing a political talk show is not what I want to do. Dont get me wrong there will be times when politics will come up but I will do my best to move the conversation somewhere else.
Anonymous said…
Hey man i know how you feel.. we all have a time in our lives were we doubt the path we want to take. a great brodcaster like you will find the job your looking for, i went through the same thing last year, i used to work at meijers and went to school in the mournings so i got to listen to your show a lot, they forced me to quit meijers and my life went to hell, i started oweing money to the lincoln land and hoping from job to job, and i just recently got me a job at target, so hey i know its rough but you gotta stick with it, i know its not much of a story but thats my exprience with what you have now, you could try t.v., kick guss gordons ass off and do news or some shit, and if its any counsolation to you, you influenced me to be a radio broadcaster, so good luck finding a good one, mabey it will be one better than the last one, and if you want i can get you a job at target..... later
Anonymous said…
I agree Ray I love rock music but when it came to your show i hated driving to work and never hearing you because of the two songs and commercials that took up most of that time

I myself am a huge fan of AM and would love if you went there.

Like they say older is better and AM radio has made good strides over the years but there still isnt anything like you would bring on those stations and it would be another kick in the right direction for the REAL radio stations
Anonymous said…
Shawn Balint has more time at talk radio than you, you might want to talk to him about how to do it, and then make sure you dont do any of the things he says :]

just kidding shawn

G man ;p

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