Wow that Mariah Carey is heartless

Here she is wading through Hurricane katrina. Holding up traffic as vehicles waited for her to cross the street. The whole time she was bitching because she wasnt getting any sun.

How heartless is this? People dying, a city flooded, death and destruction all around and then theres Mariah. Drinking and having fun. She is actually standing on a dead body to make sure she doesnt get any of that dirty water on her hair. Wow what a bitch!


nate said…
Now you're having entirely too much fun with Photoshop!! but I love it!
Anonymous said…
Rocky said...

Speaking of heartless.. A reporter recently asked Bush what he thought of Roe vs. Wade. Bush responded "I don't care how they do it, just as long as they evacuate"
Anonymous said…
i heard the roe vs wade joke on the bob and tom show a cople of weeks ago,
Anonymous said…
ROCKY said...

Yeah, that'll happen with jokes, they tend to get around. So I take it you're kinda new to the world.
Anonymous said…
Marquis Beausolais...

I just am so happy my 457-pound mom died for a reason... she loved Mariah Carey... and it had to be an honor to be Mariah's footstool... I think mama is smiling up above and now she realizes that a hero lies in her corpse...

Missy Beausoulais...
Anonymous said…
i did not mean anything by it, i just ment i heard it on the bob and tom show,
i tried the new show, too much like brian and kelly, but did not care for it, and bob and tom is better than nothing

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