Sorry about not posting in the last couple of days.
I have been sick as hell. I had a sinus infection and now a cold. Feel like shit and hoping to be back to normal soon.

I loved Serenity and am planning on seeing it again as soon as I am better. Thought TNA IMPACT had a great ending on Saturday night.

I miised the first 10 minutes of smackdown the other day if anyone has it on tape I would love to see it.
Also looking for results from NMW battle royal this last weekend.
I will hopefully be well enough late tonight to put up new broadcast.


Anonymous said…
hey ray you didnt miss anything in the first 10 minutes, in fact you might have been a lil pissed. jbl came out in a sombrero, a poncho, with an innertube around him bith a bottle of tequilla( tekilla) and made fun of all the mexicans in the audiance and rey mysterio.. oh yeh he came out witha donkey too.. but it was the usual jbl bullshit....A LISTENER

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