What am I up to today.

Hope everybody has a good weekend. It looks like I might have some interesting news in the next couple of weeks. I will update on that later. Busy day for me today I am finally feeling better so I am off to see Serenity again. Serenity is an awesome friggin movie. I am also gearing up to watch some baseball later today and of course TNA Impact tonight. Dudley boys vs. AMW plus rumor has it Gail Kim might be on tonights show (No Balint you are not invited to come over and watch it).
I will try to update again tonight. Later.


Anonymous said…
are you a sci fi nerd? not that there is anything wrong with it just noticed you were really into this Serenity, didnt picture you being really into those type of movies. Anyway happy movie watching!!!:)
Ray Lytle said…
I love movies like Serenity and Star wars. I also love comic book movies like fantastic four and batman and even the Lord of the rings and harry potter type movies. I also will be doing a review for The greatest game ever played which I thought was really well done. I enjoyed it. Plus i saw the 40 year old virgin opening weekend and other comedies. I just love movies. I like watching movies. Dont get me wrong when a movie sucks I let everyone know what I think.
The only thing other than radio that I think I would be good at would be reviewing movie or television shows.
Anonymous said…
Lytle and Roper?
Anonymous said…
The only problem with reviewing movie or television shows.
Is if one sucks so bad that it is torture to sit there watching it, that to review it well.
You have to stay and watch the whole thing
nate said…
Ray and PD have something in common. Movie nuts. In fact, just to prove how much of a movie nut I am - look at my DVD collection. I have a bigger DVD collection than the local video rental store. My collection spans over 500 movies, and a dozen TV seasons. Movies are my thing. Lytle and PD's movie reviews?!

Instead of "Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down" we could do "Must See, or Not worth the toilet paper the director wiped his ass with!"

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