Clebrity Mugshots...The Naitch--ure boy!!

Ric Flair (Richard Fleirh) turned himself into Charlotte North Carolina Police today to answer a warrant for his arrest on an accusation of Road Rage. Some guy driving slow in the fast lane claims that Flair pulled him out of his car, choked him and threatened to kick his ass again and again because he memorized his license number. The guy told the police and they of course immediately believed the pansy. Sounds to me like he needs to get Flair arrested for the eventual civil claim or hopeful settlement that he will get after this is all done. Flair was booked and released on a thousand dollars bond. This is why I always tell the kids make sure when commiting road rage you kill the som' bitch so they cant go whinin to the coppers.


Anonymous said…
Was it Marvin?
Anonymous said…
I dont blame him maybe this will be a huge wakeup call. Remember that episode of South park! The people that drive slow on the freakin interstate can cause accidents just as bad as the people who drive fast.
nate said…
Hey what I want to know is, was this street fight for the Intercontinental Championship?

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