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I have been retooling the CHUBBYRAY.com RAY LYTLE SHOW web page.
It is getting closer to being done everyday. By next week much like the death star in return of the Jedi it should be fully operational.
If you havent heard the show this week then you have been missing some good stuff. The theft of the barstool was one of those segments that everyone will talk about for years to come.
Mychelle being back has been awesome and all the female listeners should be happy about her tips she loves to give like todays seduction tips. The whole tied up and mask thing was a little weird though.
As always I highly reccomend that all of you check out the CHUBBYRAY MOVIES page which can be found by link to the right side of this page for updates on all things cinematic.

On Thanksgiving Eve I got bombed and blabbed to DC about this idea I had for a really cool TV series. Now that I let him in on it I think the two of us are actually going to work on it. It is a great writing excercise and even better creativity excercise to attempt to write a script for the hell of it. Besides it will be fun to write something that doesnt have the pressure of being on the radio the next day.
As radio moves more towards a reality style presentation and the world of 30 second written parody bits gets more lame everyday it is nice to have an excuse to write something.

Okay thats it I got to hit the bed for some sleepy time.


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