The RAYSSECTION way of problem solving

You know I always tell myself that I have to write a blog. Almost everyday at some point during the day I say " Oh Crap! I forgot to write one." Well, today is the day that I do more than remember. I actually am taking the time to write one. You see I figured out the solution to my "always remembering but never doing" problem. I figured it out by my new way of looking at every problem. The new way is the Ray dissection technique or "RAYSSECTION" as I call it.

It turns out that you don't dissect the problem to get to the root of it you dissect the remembering of the problem and that's how you fix it. What I did was I came to the conclusion that I always remembered to write my blog when I was busy playing my video games or watching a movie or hanging out with my daughter or walking the dog. In other words I realized that I was needing to do something that I have to do, while I was doing something I enjoyed. Let's face it nobody likes doing things they have to do more than things they like to do. It is much easier to kick back on the couch and hit the X button on the PS3 controller than it is to type up a witty, thought provoking, awe inspiring BLOG. It's much more entertaining to watch a movie with your child than it is to take out the garbage or paint the garage or get the oil changed.

What I did was I realized that I only remembered that I had to do it while I was doing something fun. That is when I made a note of it on my phone. Now the phone is very important for RAYSSECTION solution to problems because whenever I am doing something I don't want to do I constantly check my phone. For example when cleaning the garage I am always looking for a reason to grab a seat on that old chair that is sitting out there waiting to be thrown away last. I grab a seat and check my phone to make sure that I haven't missed any calls or texts. Instead however I see a note telling me that I need to write a blog. Then I think to myself "hmmmm write a blog or lift boxes in the garage".

And that ladies and gentleman is why you have a blog being posted today. "Rayssection "of the problem!

It also made me think that maybe the US government can use a little Rayssection in how they do things. You know like maybe they should leave a note on their phone that says "make sure to come up with regulation plan to insure that corporate America doesn't become TOO BIG TO FAIL" which I am sure is something they don't want to do while their busy with the fun stuff. Then when they are debating the next stimulus package and they sit in their comfy seats waiting to be thrown out they will look at their phone and say "hey waitaminute!"
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