One Down ? to go...

Well the first one is done. Show number one. Last night I debuted BREAKING CURFEW with Ray Lytle.
Its been over 20 years since I did a show that runs overnights. This show is running midnight to 3a on the east coast and it does surprise me that people actually stayed up to listen. I am still trying to figure it all out. When I last did overnight shift in radio I was a single 20 year old punk who would have done anything to be on the radio. Now I am a 42 year old husband and father of a 7 year old daughter. A daughter who's bedroom happens to be right next door to the home studio that I use to do this show that is live when she sleeps. So far she has not woken up by my loud voice. Thank God.
I am now trying to figure out things I didnt think about when I decided to do this show. Important things like SEX! That's right SEX. How do I get my USDA reccomended amount when I am in the studio instead of the bedroom. You' d think that would be something we would've worked out before I made this decision. Needless to say I think my wife and I will be having sex in the daytime hours more frequently and I might be starting out some shows with a bigger smile on my face than usual.
First show highlights included GULLY, HBJ, Drunk MAXX, Surfergirl and FOON with the Truckers Kingdom. If you want to know what they did and talked about then go to the replay section and check it out.
Okay I got to get ready for show number 2 which happens in an hour so that means I got 60 minutes to get that smile on my face. Hey, where's my wife?


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