My dogs and their tongues!

There they are! The reason I have trouble sleeping sometimes. The reason I am often annoyed when things seem to be going well. The reason I am slowly being driven crazy...
My dogs Tongues!
That's right.. their tongues. They wont stop. It's unending!
They are constantly licking their faces, their paws, their legs, their noses, and eachothers ears, eachother's rear ends (which is totally disgusting).
They also lick the floor, the dog beds, the sheets on our bed, the couch, the carpet, their dog dishes, our plates, even the very computer keyboard I am using right now. They just wont stop licking. Try sleeping with the slurp slurp slurp, lop lop lop, They just keep going. Their tongues are like the Energizer bunny (as dated as that now seems). They get in the bed and the licking begins. I have noticed the licking happening even while they seem to be asleep. Licking in your sleep- this just seems so wrong but yet my dogs find a way to do it. Of course the licking is somehow for the dogs an entire body using process as while I am in bed trying to sleep I feel the motion of the licking near my feet which is very bothersome and often leads to the kicking out of the dogs from the bedroom where they promptly lick the door and whine until they are let back in. Of course at some point in the evening the REM sleep kicks in and the licking stops and there is silence. The silence is comforting. But I cant help but think that the silence would not be as comforting if it was not proceeded by the licking. In fact when I think about how comfort the silence is after the licking noise I realize it is odd because I usually hate silence. I realize how the only silence I ever have is at that moment when the licking stops. It is at that point that the snoring begins. I just can't win.


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