Seriously... I have to start blogging more

With the ease of Facebook and twitter I find that I apply most of my thought and humor into 140 words or less. By doing this I have all but forgotten the joy I would get from actually creating Paragraphs of what was considered by me and at least some of you as entertainment. I have found that the thought of sitting down and writing a blog seems more taxing than it used to be. Is it the aforementioned Twitter and Facebook that is causing this? Then I start to think... Does it have anything to do with the downturn in the amount of folks who take the time to read the paper?

Everyone seems to think that the ease for finding news on the internet has made people not get the newspaper but maybe it is the inability to understand any form of complex or pseudo complex thought or God forbid, sentence structure. Of course I say that as someone who rarely displays complex thought or proper sentence structure. I wonder if the Twitter and Facebook's are helping to create adults with an even smaller attention span.

With all the hectic parts of life "post grown up" stage of life. You know.... kids, responsibility, bills, begging for sex from the wife, walking the dog, taking out the garbage, feeling inadequate because the wife wont reply to the begging, job loss, bad economy, Sunday and Monday night football, Worrying about Rush Limbaugh's potential sports ownership, Stupid kid's that people actually thought might be in a jiffy pop shaped balloon, wondering when the Star Trek Movie is finally going to come out on DVD or Blu-Ray, hoping you can teach your child right from wrong or at least not to embarrass you at Target, washing the dishes, cleaning the carpets, finally hanging those framed pictures you've been meaning to get to, and being concerned because your wife loves the show "cougartown" so much..... we really can't find the time to sit down with a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. Or maybe we can but we have conditioned ourselves to NOT do it.
The newspaper business has decided there is nothing they can do so it's not like they are giving you a reason to find the time. It is sad that there is a loss of investigative journalism in this country. Newspapers just like every other business love to cut jobs rather than weather any economic storms. Hey it's the American way, isn't it? But maybe the loss of desire for complex thought or reason has helped lead to a society that is so easily swayed by short thought that is more quickly to entice emotion and rarely elicit reason. There is no secret that the shorter the American attention span gets... the more popular Glenn Beck gets. It's so simple for American's to not read or investigate and think for themselves when you can watch his show and he will do all it for you.

So there you go... My thought's in way more than 140 words or less!


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