I was out running around today and the same question seems to keep coming up. "where you going?"
the answer is I DONT KNOW .
I keep telling myself and everyone around me that I will get serious about the job search soon but to be honest I am having too much fun doing nothing. This is amazing! I am having the time of my life.

I have been on a couple of job interviews since my last show on WQLZ and they went okay but to be honest if either place would have thrown a contract down on the table and asked me to sign and start next week I would have to say NO.

I am just not ready to go back to work. I told myself that I will come back when I miss it and to be honest right now I just dont miss it. I was really burnt out from the last few years and I think taking a break is a smart thing to do. Besides I still havent decided where I want to live. I was blaming the size of Springfield for all of my unhappiness but I think it was a lot of other factors that made me unhappy. In the last week I have had a blast just driving around town. You see things in a different light when your looking at it with rested eyes.

So the next time you see me I can guarantee two things. 1- there will be a smile on my face. And 2- I will still have no idea where I am going, but I will have the time of my life doing it.


Anonymous said…
PBOY says this:

Why not be a caller on the show you once hosted and "be that guy." You know, generate a P.S. Bob-style dipshit caller. Torment the fuck out of Butt-lint. Sit back and call in about the stupidest things. Oh wait, that would require you to wake up sometime before noon. Naaa, forget that idea.
Anonymous said…
That would also require the radio station to do more than play music.

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