You see. That is the guy I voted for. The guy who gives a shit. The guy who is comforting these people who more than likely did not vote for him. The guy who is going out of his way to make these people who are not contributors to his party or acitve members of any Christian coalition, feel better. This is the guy we need to step up and tell all of us that this stuff were going through now will soon end and everything will be allright. This is what we need.


Ray Lytle said…
A lot of these people were in the lowest tax bracket. As sad as it sounds were finding out that some dont even have TVs and didnt even know this thing was coming. A lot of these people didnt have cars. How could they get out? I mean c'mon you cant put the blame back on these people. Thats just not an answer. Its like saying the people in the twin towers should have known better on 9-11. Its just not productive.
Anonymous said…
Well, the volunteer opportunity has presented itself and me and some others from the base are heading down to New Orleans to provide law enforcement capabilities. First hand accounts are going to be more difficult to handle than the spin the tv gives everything. It will be harder than hell to have these people come up to me like I have everything to give and I have to turn them away because I don't have the answer. Have fun here in Springpatch and help get the word out about giving blood and money to the Red Cross.

Anonymous said…
ROCKY said...

Ray, you said you needed a vacation to get your creative juices flowing again and it must be working greatly. Saying that this PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO OP was a sign that "this guy is going out of his way to make these people who are not contributors to his party or acitve members of any Christian coalition, feel better" and stating that it shows "Bush really cares" was some of the funniest shit I've heard from you in a while. Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
It is truely amazing the amount of people who would love to pin this on the president. IT WAS A NATURAL DISASTER. Do you honnestly belive that somewhere in the white house they have a file that has a plan in case the entire gulf coast gets wiped out by a huricane? While they may have known that a huge storm was comming i truely doubt anyone could have guessed the magnitude of it. Time is what is needed. Unfortunatly time is not helping anyone. But believe the government is doing what they can. As far as comparing it to 9-11 I see the point your getting at,ray, with the unexpectedness of it all, but still find it a tad unrelivant to this situation. I see it more as unavailable resources as apposed to not knowing. You of all people should know that even if no TV or radio the power of word of mouth is incredible. Everyone knew the strom was comming. I found C_F_L comments of basicaly there own fault for not knowing astonishing. When was the last time anything like this has happened? No one could have expected this i dont care if they are 20 feet below see level. If any blame is to be put on it at all its the cities for not prepairing for a level 5. However i find it hard to balme anyone on a NATUAL DISASTER!
Anonymous said…
ROCKY said:

Yes they do have plenty of files on what to do in case of a major disaster like this. It's called protocol. It shouldn't have taken FIVE DAYS to put it into action. I don't understand why some people have to downplay every mistake the government, more specifically the President, makes these days. He's not a sports team. You arent his cheerleaders. He is the so-called leader of a so-called free democracy. He should be taken to task and held accountable by the people. It's the RESPONSIBILITY of American citizens to keep a check and balance on the Government we created no matter is he's "blue state" or "red state" or "periwinkle state". With this Bush guy, it's been one fuck up after another. America deserves better, your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends being put in harm's way overseas deserve better, the people in Mississippi and Louisiana deserve better.
Anonymous said…
As for the people living there most of them had nowhere else to go these people are very very poor people the average income down there is aalot less than the national average from there view point they would have been living on the streets anyway sure alot of those people died but you cant criticize them for staying with low income comes poor eduacation so yes maybe these people didnt know the drastic differance between a Cat2 and Cat5

As for taking five days yeah it probably could have been done a day sooner theres a slight chance 2 days sooner but they had to look at this place as forign soil there were no police or order in this town it was like overnight it turned into a third world country you have to think of the lives of the rescue workers, there are hundreds upon hundreds of people in that city killing and looting and the last thing you want is for a helicopter to land and for them to be ambushed by these gangs, you dont want to have to start shooting your own people to help them. I consider myself a democrat but you have to look at the big picture not just the bush basher point of view
Anonymous said…
Would you know what to do in a situation like that? Would you have all the answers to every question given to you? NO. Fact is and you can look this up. Military units were getting ready to go in. FEMA was standing by in Texas ready to go in. From my standpoint, I leave tomorrow to head down there for security. guess how many times I received a phone call telling me what day we were leaving? 7. I was told Sunday, Tuesday, Sunday, tuesday...yep, definitely leave tuesday afternoon but not sure how to get there. ITS CALLED LOGISTICS!!!! Damn, people can sit there and criticize all you want. Nothing is fucking perfect Rocky. There's coordination thats involved. It hits Monday...even for a war, you don't get action IMMEDIATELY within 2-3 days. AND NO, IT AIN'T ABOUT FUCKING RACE. "Yeah, wait a little bit so them black folks can sit a bit longer." Fuck that train of thought. Not accusing you of saying any of that BTW.

"America deserves better, your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends being put in harm's way overseas deserve better, the people in Mississippi and Louisiana deserve better." Sounds like a true Kerry campaign slogan. I got the man I voted for and so did 51 million other people.

You're my first pick for Armchair Quarterback. Nothing against you Rocky, loved yah on the show, but its this babbling bullshit that gets more people pissed off rather than focused on the priority at hand.

Don't bother responding since I woun't get it for another 3-4 months.


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