(below is a pic of me and Bella at a ballgame)

I am now three weeks into my unemployment and still doing FANTASTIC. I seriously dont remember being happier. This time off is diong wonders for my attitude. I really think I am a much better guy to be around.
I have been just hanging out with my daughter and playing and I have been playing MVP baseball on X-BOX. I have the new Madden but havent even played it yet. My little brother Goose played it and said its great and DIGGS is always talking about how cool it is. (yes I am still good friends with Diggs) I want to start playing it but I still cant get sick of playing MVP. I am now in 2006 of my MVP dynasty and the CUBS are in first place so I got to ride out this video game season to see how it goes.
You gamers know what I am talking about.

I am now getting rested to the point of looking for some fun stuff to do. I was hoping to go catch a couple more chiefs games in Peoria but their season ends today. This unemployment came too late to go enjoy some minor league baseball close by. I am maybe thinking of catching an ISU football game at some point. I would love to take a road trip to go see some baseball but how do I justify to my wife leaving for a couple of days to go see a game and who is gonna go with me. All my friends have jobs. Plus my daughter is starting pre school tomorrow. I sort of have to be here to watch her. The only thing I really want to do it watch baseball somewhere. Oh well I am sure I will find a way to do something.

As for the job search. I am actually gonna get serious and start doing some stuff this week. I will be ready to get back to work in like November or December so it would be perfect to find a place that will need someone in November and December and just move to the city and start learning it before I go on the air. That is something I didnt need to do when I came here because this is where I grew up but some of these other towns I will need to learn street names and stuff like that.

You know if I find a station that is looking for someone to start in November or December and I do it while the baseball season is going on I can actually kill all those birds with just one stone. I mean I can go to ballgames and do fun stuff. I can play my video games. And I can learn a city. All while still being happy being unemployed. Even though I technically will have a job just not exactly starting it yet.

So there you go everybody. There is the plan. I am going to find someplace that wont need anybody til November or december or maybe even January and then get the best of all worlds. This is the perfect plan. Now all I have to do is stop playing XBOX long enough to put together the package to actually get the job. I will get to that later this week...or maybe next week. I need a nap now, plus I have a big series with the Padres to play and my thumb is sore.


Anonymous said…
Where is diggs now? he used to play softball with me on tuesday nights...havent heard from him in a while
Ray Lytle said…
He still lives in the area. He is in the QUATO fantasy football league THE QFFL. He was at my house last week embarrassing himself in the draft.
If I ever run another radio station I will hire his ass to do afternoons or nights.
Anonymous said…
My ears are bleeding!! This morning was terrible. I listened to 15 minutes and had to turn it off. I know you asked us not to slam it Ray but your replacements SUCK!!

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