When am I gonna get a job?

I told my wife good news and bad news tonight. The bad news is I am no where near ready to work. The good news is I did actually start on my demo tape. That's right. I have been using a half ass demo tape that took only a couple of hours to put together. It was the tape that I used to get the Miami interview on the job I was eventually fucked out of.
This current demo I am working on is actually more of what I am about. I am not going to get into the demo and the process or even what it features that's not the point. The point is that I am actually ready to start putting it together. That means I am getting closer to doing a show again.. as least I think thats what it means.

I havent even made it over to the unemployment office yet. I would really like to get some unemployment. I have never gotten it before. It seems like something that is so "only American" that we should all experience it. It is funny though that I have been too lazy to actually apply for the free money that is unemployment. I understand in order to get unemployment you have to actually be looking for a job so I figure I should probably wait until I am actually looking before I apply.


Anonymous said…
what the hell is this about the cement he must have been around jtp or something? Good luck getting unemployment, Normally you cant quit a job and go get It. You have to be laid off or fired to receive a benefit check. I know because I used to work construction, the jobs would be shutdowns in Factorys and might only last 2 weeks sometimes 2 months but anyway you have to have that layoff or R.O.F. (reduction of force). (*)(*)
Ray Lytle said…
Trust me. I am eligible for unemployment.
Anonymous said…
you should do it soon because it will take some time to get the money, you may have to wait for up to a couple of months, i dont know how it works for a contract employee, since you were not fired or layed off you may get it soon but it may take a while also.
Anonymous said…
I know this isn't about your job bnut how bout the presidents job. I noticed earlier saying he should have been down south earlier being presidential and all. well guess what? how right you are. I wonder if the storm had gone a lil further west or maybe a nice big ass kicking tornadoe ripped through the ole ranch in texas his ass would be down there cutting trees with his big photo op chainsaw and riding his mountain bike with the secret service screaming start here and work your way out from my ranch. ya know the worst part while i sit hear bitching is.? I voted for him so guess im a bigger asshole then him huh. well look at it this way a few more years of storms and dissasters someone else will get their turn at it.
Anonymous said…
here are some questiong for you, not trying to pry just interested, you know where all rooting for you

what type of stations are you applying to are they even field with QLZ, bigger

How far will you or would you go for a good job, where would you like to go

are you trying to make it big or just trying trying to get a job

im sure were all interested in your plans you dont have to go into detail if you dont want to but just the jist of it
Ray Lytle said…
To answer your questions......
I have been contacted by certain people and have sent some demos to some places that seem like it would be a cool place to live.

I am to be honest not sure where we want to live. We will go anywhere and were not set on leaving Illinois. If the right opportunity arises we will stay in this state. Just to spite blago.

I am also not sure on the type of station. Whether it be rock or another type of music or talk really doesnt matter as much as how cool the people in charge are and what type of creative control I am gonna get and can the focus of the show be something I am good at talking about. In other words, how comfortable am I going to be. Can I keep my band? Will I be promoted properly? Things like that are really important to me.

Making it big is always the goal. In my opinion I made it big here. I made it big when I was in Peoria. All that matters in being a star is how you are viewed in the eyes of your listeners. While I was on the air in Springfield, Illinois I could care less what anyone thought about me in St Louis. If I were on in St Louis I would care about the people who could hear my show.
If I were syndicated all over then I would care about being known all over.
Making it big is relative to how big your listening audience is.
I would like a bigger listening audience though, yes.

I hope that answers your questions.
Anonymous said…

You ever thought about trying to go big time with your band? Start off playing in chicago and st louis and other areas?
Ray Lytle said…
I am way too old to be a rock star! I love playing and no matter where I go I will play and have a band. I am not crazy enough to think that I have any chance of doing it for a good living.

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