THE LATEST ON ME...I am becomming a night owl

Here it is almost twelve thirty AM and I am just now getting started doing stuff in my office.
That is kind of how things have been going lately. There is so much stuff to do during the day that I really cant get anything done until everybody else falls asleep. I was talking to Lambo today and he was blowing me shit because the earliest I have woken up has been 11am. I stay up late because it is the only time I can get stuff done. I dont get bothered playing my video games. I dont get bothered trying to edit some audio. I dont have to worry about my kid screaming or dogs fighting or the phone ringing. It really is a great time to get shit done. It reminds me of what life was like when I first started in radio doing part time overnights. It is the only other job I have had in radio. Thats right I went from part time overnights to full time mornings. As far as I know I am the only person I have ever heard of who has pulled that one off.
Anyway those days were cool. I worked at WYMG when they used to rock and the PD at the time told me to do what I wanted and have fun. It was great because as far as the station cared no one that mattered listened. It was too late for any co workers or advertisers or church groups to get pissed off so what the hell I went nuts. I think that is why I am enjoying these late nights so much lately. Reminds of a time when I didnt really give a damn about anything. I have always realized I am most dangerous when I dont give a damn. I am not there yet but I am getting really close to being dangerous again. When that out!!


Anonymous said…
you can listen to Mo's show by going to and clicking on the listen live link
Ray Lytle said…
Thanks for the tip on Mo's show being on the internet. How glad am I that I had to drive 10 hours to hear it when all I had to do was wake up early enough to hit play on my computer.

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