My position on the subject at hand

I am starting to get a lot of negative e-mail about all this shit with the new Morning show on WQLZ. My editing of comments about them and other things that are questioning my credibility. I want to make my position clear.

Trust me I hate censoring stuff from my fans and friends. I just asked you guys to wait a month or so. I probably should not have censored the critiques of the new morning show on WQLZ. It is a free country and it is your opinion to think what you want to think. Some of your comments though have been personal attacks and really unfair. I got to be honest. I have not heard the new show. You will also notice I havent told you to like the show I just told you to give it a chance. I would never put my stamp of aproval on something without knowing how it sounded first. I am not saying it is good I am simply saying you should listen and then judge for yourself whether to listen again or not. I want to make it clear that this post is not about me distancing myself from the show because it is really bad or anything like that I want to reiterate that I have not heard it so I really cant judge. I am not sure I would judge even if I did hear it. The bottom line is that I DONT CARE one way or the other. I am not there anymore. For the ridiculous poster that claimed I am getting paid to say good things about the new show, you are insane! Why would QLZ care if I gave a seal of approval or not. Why would I care. Lets face it, if I decide to stay in Springfield and become their competition (purely hyothetical, dont start any rumors) why would I have documentation of me liking it.
I also hope that you all know I try to stay an honest person. Sometimes to a fault. If I am asked my opninion after I hear the show I will give it. I have to take a drive and actually wake up later this week or next week so I will give it a listen.

One thing that bothers me is the personal attacks on these people. Dont get me wrong there are some people there that I can care less about. then there are the Shawns and Bodines and Lambo and guys like that who I care about.
I have met Val and I liked her. She seemed like a nice person. I have enjoyed our short chats. We never chatted about the show in depth and what should or shouldnt be done though. That is her baby and her decision on how it should sound. I also never discussed it with Glen. I told him I met Val and liked her. He didnt ask and I didnt offer on who I thought my replacment should be.

If I would have been asked I know exactly who I would have put in that slot and they would eventually be successful. Then again I might be editing out negative stuff about them too.

The bottom line is this. I started this page because I miss you guys. It is a way to keep up with what I have got going on. Eventually when I get a new job it is a way to stay in touch and can evolve into that new shows web page. I didnt do this page as an outlet to take out aggresion on your disagreement with WQLZ. Glen is a pretty open guy and so is smash. E-mail or call them and let them know. At least they can do something about it. I CANT.
Take care.. more hot bitches coming later today!


nate said…
Guys, here's another good point. Most of the comments I've read about how we all miss Ray, and things like that. At least he's been generous enough to keep up this website and give us a little dose of his humor and piece of mind. If you continue to make comments like that, you're likely to lose that too. Please think twice before commenting on the new show or WQLZ on this site. Just be happy with the naked women, and humorous comments. Don't forget to bust Ray's chops about getting to sit at home and play on the Xbox all day long.

Anonymous said…
Oh yeah they really researched her long and hard. She was fired from running wdbr and would work cheap because she was living here. Boy that is some exhaustive research. They really loved her at the capitol group too and were sad to see her go LOL.

Also I'm sorry but keeping the weak link and biggest joke of the morning disaster, Mikey, does not equal the old crew. Shawn hardly gets to talk. They dont let Bodine do anything. Choosing Mikey to be on the show because he was one of the better parts of the morning disaster is like choosing dog shit as one of the best parts of a dog.
Anonymous said…
Just give them a chance....good God, life will go on without the morning disaster
Anonymous said…
I think this new show frustration is coming from the old callers like ps and troy that hav'nt jumped on the air since Mr. Raymond has moved on. They feel they need to speak there piece. As for you Ray, I think you have nothing to worry about. The comments being posted are opinions too you not from you. In other words, I really dont think mfb or the a.m. show will come after you, you were there how long? They know you better than that. Just my opinion. Dont sweat it. Keep up the simpson pics.
Anonymous said…
as for the fantasy football look for J Harrington, Warner He'll Put Up Good #s and they both have VERY GOOD recievers
Bledsoe may be in there Alex Wright From Baltimore JP Losman Or Eli Manning those are some that are available im my leagues and they might be good QBs but I think i would stay with Favre He Is BRETT FAVRE and he still has Driver green and Franks hendersons always a good recieving back and Fergusons a capable reciever(maybe even a sleeper this year now him or chatman)

If your looking for sleeper WR's Look At Crayton with Dal and any of the rams WRs they are going to air it out like cazy this year-look for bulger to lead the league in Pass yards(4500 or more?) and either M Clayton Or C Moore with Bal

Now this is a topic we can talk about all you want
Im into any fantasy sport
Anonymous said…
I guess all this bickering is a way to bring Ray out of retirement. I mean, think about. Old morning show jock returns where he lft off only to revive a show into a bigger and better deal. I saw Maxipad working at Dick's (figures) so we knooow Ray doesn't have any competition left. Besides, I almost asked him what he thought about Ray leaving, but I was a fraid he'd knock me aside to go into the fitting room and beat off to that thought.

Hell, Jordan unretired what? 3 times. So, I wouldn't put it past him to decide to come back after a lengthy hiatus. We'll give him credit, he thought about it but just couldn't say no to central Illinois.
Anonymous said…
I miss Mr. Raymond. I have digressed to listening to Barstool guys? I have no idea what to do the first 2 hours of work? I might have to actually "work"??? Like what the "f*ck"?

Ray, I HAVE listened to Val. I listened the first week when she was there and then wasn't...then I listend the next week...she is monotone! Her voice goes no where and her humor is as dry as Shawn's 4 year old condoms! You can literally FEEL mikey's painin trying to stay with her...poor guy.

I don't even need a good voice..just someone with an attitude would be good at this point! She has upset NO ONE exceptthe listeners??? No insults at officials, radio jocks, celebs, no one...not even Shawn for God's sake! Who does that Ray? Who works with Shawn without hating him? This is a bigger catastrophe than Katrina! Glen knew it was coming and did no preperation..he should resign like Brown! They will go from #1 to the basement.. dare I say Dave Dennis is better? Just f*ckin kill me!
Anonymous said…
Speaking of 9th grade, grammer is one thing your supposed to learn there, how about these...

But then again, I haven't really paid to much attention to it neither. - Double Negative

....half the people leaving comment, Don't .... - should be comment('s) then theres no comma needed after that(COMMA) but then you feel the need to capitlize the first letter of the word after your comma's(PERIOD)

Looks like someone in here just might be in the 9th grade(PERIOD)
Anonymous said…
Using the word dont incorrectly sounds like Mikey grammer if you listened to the show when it was good. If you read the post it really is a pro-Mikey post. Looks to me like the new morning show is busy reading and posting on this board. Let me be the first to say. Hello Mikey, you suck!
Anonymous said…
jeg 3698
Don't be bashing other people's grammar until you can learn to spell "grammar." By the way, you always capitalize the word "English."

A real English Teacher
Anonymous said…
jeg 3698,

Before you go bashing somebody, maybe you should submit the following crap post you made, to a real teacher. Evidently your the main idiot here. for instance, look at your other post.

your post

"as for the fantasy football look for J Harrington, Warner He'll Put Up Good #s and they both have VERY GOOD recievers
Bledsoe may be in there Alex Wright From Baltimore JP Losman Or Eli Manning those are some that are available im my leagues and they might be good QBs but I think i would stay with Favre He Is BRETT FAVRE and he still has Driver green and Franks hendersons always a good recieving back and Fergusons a capable reciever(maybe even a sleeper this year now him or chatman)

If your looking for sleeper WR's Look At Crayton with Dal and any of the rams WRs they are going to air it out like cazy this year-look for bulger to lead the league in Pass yards(4500 or more?) and either M Clayton Or C Moore with Bal

Now this is a topic we can talk about all you want
Im into any fantasy sport"

Now by reading this, I know for a fact you must be the needing a teacher.
Anonymous said…

Now by reading this, I know for a fact you must be the one needing a teacher.

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