Yo bitch get off my back

What a day. I woke up feeling like shit and my back was a little sore. When walking to my office it felt like it started tightening up a bit. Then I went on my way to drop bella off at afternoon pre school and then a quick trip to best buy and then......WHAM. My back went out. I am moving like a 90 year old with a broken hip. If you have had back problems you know how hard it is to get comfortable in any set position. I am telling you this because I probably wont do any updates today. I will hopefully get back at it tomorrow. I want to take a jacuzzi but I am afraid I wont be able to get out of the tub. There is nothing more embarrassing than having to get help getting out of the tub. My wife cant lift 400 pounds so it would definitely require help. Hey maybe if we get 3 or 4 naked women in the jacuzzi with us they can help lift me out. Oh wait a minute scratch that. With the back hurting I wouldnt be able to do anything but lay on my stomach. Thats hard to do with a boner. Besides all the blood needs to go to my back and not my crank.


Anonymous said…
Oh man, that sucks that you have to be on your stomach. You better hope Jimmy doesn't come over and see ya like that.......you know what'll happen
Anonymous said…
have jimmy give you some of his amazing herb. it will ease the pain in your back. Just don't pass out with jim at your house.
nate said…
Isn't it hard enough to stand up, let alone try to get into the tub? I know when my back goes out, I'd rather just not move (even though you're right, you can't get comfortable no matter what you do)

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