
Showing posts from October 11, 2009

Seriously... I have to start blogging more

With the ease of Facebook and twitter I find that I apply most of my thought and humor into 140 words or less. By doing this I have all but forgotten the joy I would get from actually creating Paragraphs of what was considered by me and at least some of you as entertainment. I have found that the thought of sitting down and writing a blog seems more taxing than it used to be. Is it the aforementioned Twitter and Facebook that is causing this? Then I start to think... Does it have anything to do with the downturn in the amount of folks who take the time to read the paper? Everyone seems to think that the ease for finding news on the internet has made people not get the newspaper but maybe it is the inability to understand any form of complex or pseudo complex thought or God forbid, sentence structure. Of course I say that as someone who rarely displays complex thought or proper sentence structure. I wonder if the Twitter and Facebook's are helping to create adults with an even small